Market Leading Caption Solution
StreamText is the market leading realtime caption solution. Used by captioners, CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation), and court reporting service providers since 2003, we provide the link to reliable accessibility solutions for the deaf and hard of hearing.
From the classroom to the corporate world, StreamText delivers the spoken word as realtime captions to virtually any platform or device with Internet access. Our realtime captioning services are perfect for live, hybrid, or remote events!
StreamText is the leading platform for human-generated caption delivery over the internet, and is used by a majority of captioning firms.
Advantages of Human Caption Providers
Accuracy – Only human caption providers can consistently be 95% accurate or higher. AI captions rarely are this accurate. In addition many CART providers are certified to specific standards.
Speaker Identification – For one channel audio automated captions have a difficult time identifying different speakers.
Speed – Top human captioners routinely hit 250 words per minute and peak over 300 wpm.
Content control – No matter how good an automated solution is, random words will be generated. This can be entertaining but for many broadcasts this is not acceptable.
Descriptive content – In many cases a human capitoner will provide cues to actions and sounds that are not part of the transcription. A few examples are music and applause.
Superior sound processing – Trained humans do an excellent job of filtering out background sound like music or multiple speakers and providing accurate captions. Automated solutions will try to make sense out of the noise which generates random text.
StreamText Features for Caption Providers
- Easy to use
- Reliable - available when you need it
- Realtime Translation into 130+ Languages
- Simple API and embedding Options For Integrating Into 3rd Party Platforms
- Support for Closed Captioning Workflows
- Direct integrations with Zoom. MS Teams, Adobe Connect, YouTube and many more.
- Free training and support
- Remote Captioning Capabilities
- Live Event Captioning Capabilities